We are intuitive readers to help you lead yourself to recognize your own truth and your own doorways. As readers, we arenot here to convert you to any one path. We can only encourage you to find and follow your own path.

We can't tell you what to do. That is part of what life is all about. Your hopes, dreams, and all else are created by your free will and your choices. No one, whether it's a psychic, minister, guru, shrink, counselor, or advisor, etc., can tell you what is yours - and only yours - to decide and experience. Free will is the rule but, for the most part, often sadly neglected and misapplied.

What we can do is help you find the energies that are affecting your personal situation and the possibilities from which you may make free choice. We can help you sort things out.

We can help you think and consider your options. We can help you discover the information that is within you and around you and is always there for you to use. Only you can change you and your particular situations. A funny thing about change though, you have to want to make changes for yourself.


Canpaza & Sahoni Intuitive Readings ©2004 Canpaza & Sahoni. All rights reserved. Readings are for entertainment purposes only, and for adults over 18 years old. Please seek professional help if your situation warrants it. Answers for ridiculous questions will cost an arm and a leg.
